If you’ve got a green thumb, you won’t require this introduction. But for those of you who haven’t heard of them, we’d like to introduce you to terrariums. These are miniature gardens housed in a sealable glass container. If done right, they will successfully create an ecosystem that requires almost no maintenance at all. As the system is sealed, the plants should be able to water themselves through transpiration and condensation. Nupur Das Gupta, the head artist in Rish Studio, combines ornamental miniature ecosystems with functionality to create terrarium-based lamps. It is her way to infuse the daily lives of customers with a bit of magic. We think these lamps are a great way to incorporate some nature into small spaces! She likes adding magical features like miniature doors inside the terrariums, making it look as if a whole miniature world is living peacefully inside these terrariums. Everything you see here is hand-made with natural or artificial materials. In addition to the lamps and stand-alone terrariums, Das Gupta crafts dried-moss wall art and paintings, alongside jewelry and even designed furniture and home accessories. You can see and purchase all of her works on her official platforms: Instagram | Etsy shop | Website
Stand-alone terrariums:

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